coobee Shasta 101: Facts to Know About the Best Children’s Work Desk

We’re all about what’s new in the furniture industry ATM and looking into the future - which frills and trimmings are worth considering, and others that are not-so. The coobee study desk? It’s a groundbreaking furniture masterpiece that’s worth your attention (and applause)!

With updates and enhancements meant to revolutionize virtual or remote learning, get to know about one of the most notable children’s desks to date, so you can finally include it in your child’s designated study corner at home. 

Say My Name, Say My Name 🎶

The “Shasta” or “shasta daisy” as it’s popularly known, is a type of flower most notable for its delicate, slender, and pristinely white petals surrounding a sun-yellow pistil. It’s a bright, beautiful, and cheery flower that stands out wherever it blooms. 

But it doesn’t stop there. 

As we’ve mentioned in another blog (insert link), Shasta daisies symbolize hope, new beginnings, and innocence. Three elements that we’ve aligned the coobee desk with. Now rebranded as… drum roll, please 🥁 - The coobee Shasta 502 Desk Series - it’s got all the necessary gears and add-ons that a study table should have, packaged in an elegant and minimalist frame. 

So, let’s all say it together… “COO-BEEeeeeeeeee. SHASTAaaaaaaaaa.” 😍

coobee Shasta 502 Desk Series Features

Adjustable for a Perfect Fit

Besides having a good-fitting chair for your child’s study area, the right table is just as essential. What the coobee Shasta 502 has is a mechanism that offers full adjustability between 22.64 to 32.48 inches, for the best and as-close-to-an-exact fit as possible for your child. 

That means customization to a T, and according to your kid’s most comfortable sitting height. No knee bumps under the table’s edges. No knee folds that cause joint and muscle strain (not to mention joint wear and tear, when looking at the bigger picture). Just a table that will allow children to sit properly, comfortably, and without risk of incurring body pains. 

 It also doesn’t stop there. (see next paragraph). 

Interchangeable Hand Crank + Stepless Adjustment, You Say?

Unlike regular children’s desk sets, the coobee can be easily adjusted via an interchangeable hand crank that allows step-less adjustment. Talk about customization convenience in just a few steps! Or… non-steps! 

Not Just a Tabletop. A “Tilting” Tabletop

The tilt of kids’ study desk tabeltops can work wonders in improving seating comfort. We got ahead in the game with coobee’s tilting tabletop. Its tilt angle can be adjusted up to 30° for maximum reading ease. Varying desktops from flat to angled for reading or studying purposes reduces neck strain as well as promotes proper posture. 

There and back again, it doesn’t stop there (see next paragraph again, please 😁)! 

Dazzling Non-Reflective Surface

Let’s zero in on “light reflection” here. Another impressive feature that the coobee has to offer. Call it an extra feature that can aid your little one study more efficiently. Whodathunk? 🤯😎 

The surface of coobee’s anti-scratch desktop reflects light in different directions and away from your child’s eyes. This means less eye strain for your little one, even as he or she immerses in page after page of books and schoolwork. 

Microbes… Away! 

COVID has re-aligned the world’s perspective on proper hygiene, and how it should continue to be practiced, pandemic or not. To let you sigh with relief and assurance regarding your child’s safety when it comes to their study desks, coobee is equipped with Formica® Protec+™ Antimicrobial High-Pressure Laminate.

Formica® Protec+™ works against the growth of fungi and bacteria so that surfaces can stay clean and bright, and your child can be protected from harmful microbes. 

Organizing Can Be “Smart”, Too

Finally, the coobee Shasta has a built-in Smart feature for smarter storage. Everything your kid needs from notebooks, tablets, pens and more can be neatly tucked away in the desk’s easy-pull drawer. It also has dividers so that studying materials can be organized conveniently and in a snap. 

It even has a bag hook on its side. Backpacks as heavy as 33 lbs. can be hung on them, no fuss, no problem! 

“This is just the beginning”, as all epic things go. The only puzzle piece missing here is you hitting the Add-to-Cart button for the coobee Shasta 502 Desk Series, and then the Check-Out button.👀 Create a better study atmosphere for your child’s remote learning with the coobee Shasta.🤗 

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