Top 7 Tips for Parent Support in Children’s Remote Learning

The height of the COVID wave saw a tidal surge in transitioning social gatherings into home-based activities. This is all the more true with schools, with the classroom setting brought into houses for independent, remote learning. Hundreds of informational blogs posted as of late are focused on disciplines for comfortable integration into this new system of children’s online studying.
Check out SingBee Blogs on numerous articles for tips and tricks in making home-studying joyful instead of stressful for your kids😉
But how about advice for parents who are just as much a part of this learning transition as their children? What should you do to support your child’s distance learning? What can you do to make your home be just as a conducive space for studying as a traditional classroom?
This is where we come in to give you several tips to address these new-norm remote learning challenges.
1. Home Study Space
The first and foremost piece of advice for parental support in children’s virtual learning is to literally create a study space inside your place of residence. This could be a corner in your child’s bedroom or any space you can dedicate as his or her study area.
Doing so can indirectly and naturally teach kids to use this area for studying. Everything to be done there should be zeroed in only on their schoolwork. Playtime and all else have to be relegated elsewhere. Call it an indirect approach to teaching them about prioritization and focus. Check out our blog about this year’s trendiest study space decor HERE.
2. Daily-Weekly Learning Plan
This “learning plan” should be completely aligned with that of the school’s online curriculum. Most schools have quickly adapted to the shift from conventional teaching to remote teaching and are now able to provide such a plan with at least several months to a year’s worth of study materials.
If the entire year’s school curriculum is accessible, all the better. From there, it’ll be easier to monitor and track progress from a daily-to-weekly standpoint. Aside from keeping parents informed about kids’ schoolwork, it serves as motivation whenever your little ones put a check-mark (or a star, strikethrough, circle, it’s up to you🌟) on tasks that have already been completed.
3. Rules and Goals
Create a Rules and Goals chart to set the daily-weekly learning plan into motion. Plot basic rules in a “positive” approach. Avoid the use of too many “NO”s ❤️. Here are some examples:
- Electronic devices are for out-of-class hours
- Meals and napping are reserved in areas outside of the Study Corner
- Hit the Early Bird bell for every class subject
…so on, and so forth.
Try to formulate rules that have a twist of fun in them. “Rules and Goals” should sound restrictive and boring. They’re learning tools that will bring about good habits in kids so be creative with each one. To add to that, let your kids be involved by setting their own goals.
4. Breaks
We’re not merely pertaining to those school break schedules as such: 1 15-minute snack break in the morning, an hour for lunch, and another 10 or 15-minute snack break in the afternoon. Although this rhythm makes for a good foundation, there’s more to these breaks than “snack time”.
Studies show that a 5-minute breather after at least half an hour of schoolwork may curb fatigue and even burnout. It allows them to relax a bit and re-center their attention on the next task. Coupled with a suitable ergonomic chair and desk, this will give your child moments to stretch up and loosen those tightened joints and muscles to prevent body aches.
5. Rewards
There can never be “too much” when it comes to rewarding your children for their accomplishments in remote learning. No need to wait for something as grandiose as presenting a certificate for excellence in this and that subject, though this is a recommended must-do.
Alternatively, take note of the tiny moment-by-moment successes they ace from observing the day’s schedule well, not using their gadgets and gizmos during class hours, completing activities and homework on time, learning something new, to remembering previously learned topics. You’ll find that the list will most definitely lengthen as time passes ✨.
6. Encouragement
Another half of the Rewards pie is to constantly and consistently encourage children and boost their confidence in online independent learning. Rewards are one thing. But genuine heartfelt encouragement is a means to getting the message across to them—- that they’re doing a terrific job and that you’re right there with them in this journey.
7. Parental Presence
We understand how remote learning has been a difficult hurdle, especially for working parents to adjust to. We feel the same way and you’re not alone. It takes getting used to the new norm. Nonetheless, it is possible to fully take on its reins and move forward… with a smile 🤗.
On that note, we’d like to stress how crucial your presence is in your children’s online studying. Yes, independent learning is an attribute that kids will absorb firsthand. However, they shouldn’t be left completely unassisted by mom and dad.
Your involvement in virtual learning means being able to guide them in their studies and schoolwork. It’s also your way of checking that they actually attend their virtual classes 😇. But that’s not all. Your child will view your presence as your show of love and support for them and their home education.
These may seem like an awful lot to take in but trust us when we say that they’re not at all overwhelming once you get the ball rolling. Simply follow these tips a number at a time. The results will speak for themselves, we promise. 📚😍
Visit and browse through our collection of children’s desk sets as you set up your child’s study corner at home. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to stay updated on all-things-SingBee or reach out to us at
Build your little one’s study habits with the right tools. Start now.
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